Thematic Table of Contents

Joanne Barrie Lynn Singing Bird Woman
Arthur Ginsberg/
Caroline Clark
Place of My Birth (with art)
Norine Radaikin Generation
Terri Cohlene Sonora
Peter Munro Letter to Myself, Bahia des los Muertes
Mercedes Lawry An Emphasis on Perseverance
Peter Pereira Double Magnolia
Judith Westley Urban Spring
J. E. Yeasting Sequence, Experiments
Kristina Sigler Faint Memory of a Monk Losing His Faith
Charles Munoz The Bull and the Angel
Nora Mitchell Why Horses Sleep Standing Up
Doug Tanoury Jacob and Sleepwalking
Louis Crew Ghost Houses
Alicia Wilson Part of You
Julia Soto Lebentritt/
Armando Soto
Mother and Father (with art) and
Ode to a Yellow Fire Hydrant (with art)
David Alexander If the Girl Behind the Counter at the
Subway Sandwich Shop Ran the World
Allison Eir Jenks Fabric of a Kiss
James Tisdale Made for Television
Gary Esarey A history, the marriage
Carolyn Locke A Reckoning
Susan Terris Fugue State
Tina Kelley Battering Robin Syndrome
Joel Lewis The Audible Suburbs
Joan Ross Blaedel Tender Lift of Lint
David Sutherland Inkspots and Assorted Patterns
Linda Curtis Meyers The Apple Eater
Robert Schoene Alki Café
Jean Dubois & Francine Porad Ready . . . Set . . . Go
Jenny Scott Just Another Over-Easy Two-Step Sizzle
Lynne Meredith Cohn Recipe for a Good Life
Ed Harkness Saying the Necessary
Kevin Miller Last Attempt to Heal Catherine Moran
Christina-marie For Those Who Have Died
John W. Marshall How Many Syllables Are There in Leotard?
A Report From the Poetry Frontier