Science & Technology
The Inertia of a Body Depends Upon Its Energy-Content

Marilyn, let there be a stationary body (yours)
in the system (yours, mine, ours), and let its energy

(yours) referred to the system be E0 (mine). Let
the energy of the body (yours) relative to the system

(xi, eta, zeta) moving as above (us) with the velocity
v (me), be H0 (fulfilled). Let this body (yours)

send out, in a direction making an angle (mine)
with the axis of x (us), plane waves of light,

of energy ½L measured relatively to (ours, mine,
yours), create simultaneously an equal quantity

of light in the opposite direction. Meanwhile
the body (yours) remains at rest with respect to

the system (mine). If we call the energy of the body
(yours) after the emission of light E1 or H1 respectively,

then by employing the relation given above we obtain
(the proof we’ve been looking for). Love, Albert

Photo Credit:US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Copyright 2008,  Linda Malnack

Linda Malnack, Co-editor lives near Seattle with her husband and two sons. She has published poems in many journals, including The Amherst Review, the Seattle Review, and Southern Humanities Review, as well as a chapbook titled Bone Beads (Paper Boat Press, 1997). Linda won the Willow Springs Poetry Award in 2000 and the Washington Poets Association William Stafford Award in 1998.

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