Science & Technology
Shell Mudra

Their names replay Homer:
joined to the names of scientists:

Tide by tide, we wade deeper in a fetish of destruction;
Thanatos is in our crooked defended marrow.
With curved fingers, I trace their scalloped
ridges: cockles, clams, coquina.

Eternal, veiled and nacred,
their living flesh will die and die again
and on this tumbled beach, pile into heaps
and mounds, press slowly into continents.

will siren, long after their names are lost,
long after we slice open
the clenched muscle of our ferocious history.

Photo Credit:US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Copyright 2008,  Roberta Feins

Roberta Feins, Co-editor earned a master’s degree in Marine Sciences from University of North Carolina, working on the ecology of critters in the mud. She has lived in Seattle since 1983, where she does database consulting. She recently received her MFA from New England College, and won second prize in the 2007 Ethnographic Poetry Competition, sponsored by the Society for Humanistic Anthropology.

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