Slow Growth 

Trees are slow   you never see them grow 
until you go away 
growth marked by visits home 
it was only one walnut   dropped into a fist-sized hole 

until you go away 
small never seems small and big always   grander 
it was only one walnut   dropped into a fist-sized hole 
an afterthought    a reflection 

small never seems small and big always   grander 
Remember who you are and you'll always be ahead 
an afterthought   a reflection 
seen but not heard 

Remember who you are and you'll always be ahead 
I feel so far behind   growing shade 
seen but not heard 
where is it I was heading? 

I feel so far behind   growing shade 
gathering birthdays   graduations   weddings 
where is it I was heading 
and what was it I'm leaving? 

gathering birthdays   graduations   weddings 
jumbling four-feet-five and five-feet-four 
and what was it I'm leaving 
backwards in time   my mind   their mind? 

jumbling four-feet-five and five-feet-four 
life is fast   you never see it passing 
backwards in time   my mind   their mind 
age marked by visits home where 

life is fast   you never see it passing 
until it's past 
age marked by visits home where 
trees are slow   you never see them grow.


Poem Copyright 2001, John Anderson Windflowers 
Image Copyright 2001, Reva Sharon

John Anderson lives in Port Townsend, Washington. 

Slow Growth is a pantoum, with stanzas of four lines, of which the second and fourth lines of one stanza become the first and third lines of the next. The last stanza repeats lines from the first.

Reva Sharon won First Prize for Digital Photography in the Nagler International Photography Competition. 
Exhibitions include Into the land of the Seeing, at Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem, Magnes Museum, Berkeley, California, Royal Photographic Society, Bath England; American Cultural Center, Jerusalem.  Windflowers  was previously published in Here on the Face of the Earth (Keter Press, 2001)
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