Linda Curtis Meyers

Peace for All Living Things on Earth

          (from a child’s drawing)

Peace has flowers. A river.
All of us live in one tall house.
The roof is made of birds.

The yard has animals.
Dog cat and cow.
Cow has a bell. Tree has an owl.

Teddy moves his arms alive.
Giraffe is smaller.
There are no fences anywhere.

Everywhere is grass.
You can ride the balloon horse
with no saddle.

Skyscrapers make a castle
pink blue and yellow.
There are no streets but girls jump rope.

Three pink birds jump air.
Water is blue lines you rub.
Water has a dolphin.

The river has children.
They stand on pebbles all colors.
A ferryman to take us there.

Copyright 1992, Linda Curtis Meyers

Linda Curtis Meyers is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Washington. Her poetry has published in many journals, including Poetry Northwest, Hawaii Review, and Calapooya Collage. “Peace for All Living Things on Earth” first appeared in Poetry Northwest, Vol. 33, No. 4.

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