Index of Authors

Kathy Banas -A Kind of Death
Joan Ross Blaedel - Broken Wing-- Arabesque I (Art Work)-- Red Hill (Art Work)--
Water And Wood (Art Work)-- Celestial Dome (Art Work)
Liz Walsh-Boyd - The Mailman And The Master
Maura Bramkamp -Leah Speaks
Crysta Casey -The Interrogation
Peg Davis -.. In That Order
Christine Deavel - Booklist (poetry notes)
Mary Lynne Evans - Losing It After The Shooting
Ruth Flanders -About Your Things
Karl Garson - Iowa, From Montana
Reginald Gibbons -Admiration
Arthur Ginsberg - The Chief Of Medicine
Patricia Goedicke -Whirling Dervishes II
Norm Goodwin -Ode To A Madrona Tree
Kim Hamilton - Candy Houses
Esther Altshul Helfgott -Driving Home From Mother's House
Marilyn Mashburn Lewis -Salem
Robin Lindley - Stars Begin With Collapse
Susan Littlefield -The Reign Of Kai
Carolyn Locke - Crows
Ted Lord -Letter To Your Seratonin
Joanne Barrie Lynn -Maggots
Linda Malnack -Repetition Is A Kind Of Rhyme
John Marshall - Backyard Nuthatch Active
Heather McHugh -FigurativeLeaf
Susan Mersereau - The Dinner Party
Kay Mullen -Ghetto Cemetery
Doug Nathan -The Rabbis Debate
Alicia Ostriker -Berkeley: Youth And Age
Marge Piercy -The Promotion
Stan Rice - Erotic Fantasy
Barbara L. Thomas -Amenities
William Slaughter -Sky Burial
Thea Sullivan -Elegy For My Mother's Breasts
Donna Waidtlow -The City-Girl Learns About Meat
Liz Walsh-Boyd - The Mailman and the Master
Gerald Williams - Eye See
Leilani Wright -The Dissolution