In the woods, May apples. Wild onions.
From the low poplared hollows the first
rattlebush hums, promising ginseng, morels,
shitake mushrooms. Chanterelles. Redbud;
the white crossed bloom of dogwood.

Things I Must Do Today: This poem. Several
errands. The groceries. A meeting, ten-fifteen,
(important). That blue sweater at the cleaners;
change the oil. Don’t forget the kids at school;
biopsy at eleven.

Copyright 1994, Peg Davis

Peg Davis recently earned a MFA in creative writing from Goddard College. She is retired from a teaching career (both Agriculture Education & English) and is currently farming in Virginia. Ms Davis received a Billee Denny Murray Poetry Prize, 1994; a Penumbra Prize, 1994; and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize XX in 1994. "In That Order" was previously published in Penumbra.