Ultrasound (II)

There's a heartbeat in there.
One hundred and twenty-five rotations
around the sun. Slender arrow navigates
the screen; it is a shipless endeavor.
The doctor indicates half her index finger,
calls it a grain of rice,
another food that is baby.
I can hardly tell what holds you in the black hole,
divot of body. There you cling, suspended,
egg sac for company, a lonely sight.
You, I think, are what causes all this unrest,
this turmoil of stomach to ceiling,
of lurching across the room.
O lurking lark,
O sweet boiled rice. You and I
will waltz upon the water.


from Henry Gray (1825–1861).Anatomy of the Human Body.

Copyright 2012,  Molly Sutton Kiefer

Molly Sutton Kiefer’s chapbook, The Recent History of Middle Sand Lake, won the 2010 Astounding Beauty Ruffian Press Poetry Award. She currently lives in Minnesota with her husband and daughter, where she is at work on a manuscript on (in)fertility. She recently completed a MFA in poetry at the University of Minnesota, serves as poetry editor of Midway Journal, and curates "Balancing the Tide: Motherhood and the Arts | An Interview Project". More can be found at

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