Gains & Losses
Fifteen and Fifty

Tall in tall
white and candle
slim with pale feet
(my dress whispering
remember this):
My mother kneels
with pins in her mouth,
folding organdy.
My father drops his
change in the dish,
sees me there
all white and sudden
and casts down
his eyes.
Room after lit room
I will walk lovely after this,
and think   Here is a mansion
of unending rooms.

Today (I am still
pale and tall)
my husband drops his
watch in the dish;
in the mirror
he sees me.
The lighted rooms end.
The doors click softly closed.
Here is the last room,
this one.

Copyright 2009,  Kristin Roedell

Kristin Roedell is a wife,  mother,  and retired attorney living in Lakewood Washington.  Her work often concerns the daily lives of women,  as well as mental health issues.  She has been published by online magazines Breath and Shadow and Metromania.  Her work is forthcoming from Flutter magazine,  Chantarelle’s Notebook,  and Open Minds Quarterly.  Her chapbook Seeing in the Dark is due out shortly from the Seattle-based Tomato Can Press.

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