Switched-on Gutenberg Issue 20
Bad Weather Romance

The satellite of his face
forecasts the deluge to come;
compressed turmoil under clouds
of common decency, a wish to be gentle.
Hazy hopes circle the room
like lost meteors caught in a tempest swell –
They ricochet off the oak dresser,
bedpost and pillows – missing your head
by that much – off course, but doomed
for impact nonetheless.
You’ve gotten used to predicting storms,
battening down the hatches.
Whether in this region
or points further north,
there is always the threat
of sudden off-shore squalls
in the kitchen, hurricanes
down the hall, blizzards
in the bedroom. Caught
the freezing rain
of his rebuff
and intermittent shafts of sunlight.


Near Rattlesnake Island
Image Copyright 2014,  Fern G.Z. Carr

Poem Copyright 2014,  Tina Schumann

Tina Schumann’s poems have received many prizes and honors and have appeared in various publications and anthologies, including The American Poetry Journal, Ascent, Cimarron Review, Crab Creek Review, Harpur Palate, Midwest Quarterly, Palabra, Parabola, Poemeleon, Poetry International, Raven Chronicles, San Pedro River Review, Terrain.org, and The Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine. Tina is the editor of the forthcoming anthology, Two-Countries: U.S. Daughters and Sons of Immigrant Parents.

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