Fred Ferraris 


The hungry march on flood-washed gravel 
stumble into quicksand postures 
stagger through heated gestures 
wedged in fashions snagged by craving 
the pedestrian wallow in shallow passions 
(the real action takes place underground) 
unraveled nostalgias, rations of selvage 
spilled-out memories, spit-up bile 
ghoul & hen’s tail refortified catechists 
rapt young oafs slapping wine down throats 
their abraded foreheads crowned with corn 
greedy dirt hungry river 
a nostalgia for the killing ground 
turnip vapors seeping through fissures 
a scabrous root stones scratch all day 
a movable chair obstructed by thickets 
a corner-man who deals in widgets 
churning the hurdy-gurdy 
of gist & pith­ he’s a Philistine and a crook 
but she hungers to hear his crop stones grinding 
a tensile rhythm that evokes fontal truth 
of desperado’s swollen stem 
that fails to fatten hungry potholes 
congealed angles conceal crumbs of gold 
barbaric plaster & analgesic castings 
the model is an elaborate boundary 
of infantile chanteys unanswered prayers 
full-throated pleas hammered into stonecrop 
a muffled bellow echoed in his prance 

Copyright 2000, Fred Ferraris

Ferraris' poems have been published in magazines, anthologies and chapbooks. His book, "Older than Rain" appeared in 1997 (Selva Editions). This poem is from "Mud Radio" to be published in 2000. 

Switched-on Gutenberg/Vol. 4, No. 2 

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