Angkor Massage

His whitened eyes arc and slide, as if sketching
my voice on a cave wall, this massage hall
in Cambodia, where all the therapists are blind.

He repeats my name, his voice a flashlight
in my eyes. Then he guides me by the arm
to his table, where I undress, lie face down,

close my eyes, and join his curtained world.
I watch his hands untie my shadow
and see it rise, a ripe moon that covers the sun.

Nudibranch, Indonesia, copyright 2005 Mary Pearson

Copyright 2012, George Such

George Such is a graduate student studying English at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. In a previous incarnation he was a chiropractor for 27 years in eastern Washington. His poems have appeared in Arroyo Literary Review, Blue Earth Review, Cold Mountain Review, Dislocate, and many other journals. His essay, "Metal," is forthcoming in the spring issue of Phoebe.

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