He asked when dating

He asked when dating Siamese twins how many vaginas did I hope for and I answered it was very hard to say and you said it was a sexist question and he asked when dating Siamese twins how many cocks did I hope for and I answered clearly two and you said that was a sexist answer and he asked again when dating Siamese twins how many penises did I hope for and I said one and you said that was an ableist answer and I said I thought it was ableist to assume that Siamese twins weren’t able answers and he asked when dating abled Siamese twins and I answered and you said it was disgusting and I said it’s certainly not disgusting to me and you said objectify that’s what is disgusting also racist please call them conjoined and he asked ok when dating redheads how many breasts did I hope for and I said at least one and you said that was fetishing freaks and survivors and I said are you ably supposed to use that word freaks and you said fuck you but you didn’t say fuck you you said thank you you said thank you for helping me stick to my values and you said thank you thank you you didn’t say fuck you for helping me stick to my values and I loved you for that just a little and I didn’t love you just a little for the phrasing but I loved you just a little for consistency for consistency you said thank you for helping me with my values and he asked when dating a person with values how many breasts did I hope for and I said first I will explain with the twins it’s not about brutally schtupping any people it’s not about brutally schtupping people it is not brutally or about brutally schtupping people it’s the implications of a unified pleasure in separate bodies or separate brains and you said the whole conversation felt wrong you said the whole conversation was disturbingly wrong and he asked when dating a person with conjoined able values how many breasts did I definitely hope for and he asked me in numbers the breasts I hope for and we said almost usually three no we didn’t and you kicked me before I said three.


from Henry Gray (1825–1861).Anatomy of the Human Body.

Copyright 2012,  Oedipa Smith

Oedipa Smith was born in a pedicab and then promptly attended university. Despite chronically sighing for pleasures back East she has long lived in Washington State.

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