
my hands spasm
blue to white
remind me I'm not
the boss of my body
any little thing
can show me up
take me down

one day a tickle
in the throat
and tomorrow
a syndrome—
from freckle
to fester, hiccup
to heart attack—

the way a stray
thought circles
back, takes hold
or a niggling
fear feeds
on itself, swelling
in the dark


Nudibranch, Indonesia, copyright 2005 Mary Pearson

Copyright 2012, Antonia Clark

Antonia Clark's poems and stories have appeared in numerous print and online journals, including Anderbo, The Cortland Review, The Missouri Review, The Pedestal Magazine, and Rattle. She lives in Vermont, where she works as a medical writer. She loves French picnics and plays French café music on a sparkly purple accordion.

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