
      An RCMP horse must be black, elegant, athletic...

You never know with humans.
I try to discern their point of view,
but it’s complex. Sometimes touch,
smell, the inflection of a voice
provides the clue; often it’s guesswork,
but I am a Mountie.

It’s my job to be loyal, a legacy
from my father and his. I carried Do-Right
for weeks to get here. No hoofing about,
no sweet nickers for me. It’s scenic enough,
grand vistas filled with peril and hardship,
but Dudley’s spirit is thin. Even I can see
loneliness in that sapphire gaze.

And Nell, she’s an odd one, always crying
out for attention: getting tied to the tracks,
coming within millimeters of an angry blade
before I lug Dudley to her aid. I suspect
her motives and it’s tiresome, a misuse
of resources, but where would we end
if he let the boss’s daughter down?

I could not abide Mother’s doleful eyes
if they sent me back to Ottawa. The shame
of a white-coated son’s enough. If she lost me
to the auction block, the highest bidder
would procure more than her illicit child.
She’d lose her raison d’être, bury her nose
in a patch of crimson clover, go silent with grief.

I’ll carry on despite the adolescent antics,
whips and ropes, the histrionics. We all yearn
for mislaid dreams: that silken filly
languishing in Quebec, the sharp flash of her tail.

Copyright 2006,  Rebecca Clark

Rebecca Clark’s writing credits include StringTown, Snow Monkey, Manzanita Quarterly, and others. She has work forthcoming in Rattle, Pearl, Heliotrope, Literary Salt, and others. Rebecca works as an attorney, coordinating a volunteer lawyer program, and lives in Washington State’s Skagit Valley with her husband and daughter.


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